Tuesday, January 18, 2011

so many things, too little time. sometimes i wish time would stop. I always wish this, but i'm not doing anything much more.

I wish i could learn Korean faster. Really. lols. i wish i was some language genius, learn a language in 3 months. haix. then i can express myself in a language that others wouldn't understand. Maybe i should learn icelandic.

i'm just feeling really fustrated right now. about everything. lessons, tests, it's eating into my life again. i just want to go out with my family once a week. is that too much to ask?

bah, i wish my leg would heal faster.

another wasted darn post.

Monday, January 17, 2011

you, me, and guilty.

haix... i don't know how long ago was the time since i've last blogged, but yea, i'm back. Wonder if it's a good thing that i'm starting to pour out my feelings into the internet again, or if it's a bad thing, spelling that i'm becoming more emo. i don't know!!

okay. i'm not all that good recently. Sprained my ankle for starters. what a joke. i fell while trying to get out of lecture. and usually it's the lecture that kills people. not the rush out for break. anyways, i did fall, pulled 2 ligaments and tadah. Now i'm practically dependent on alot of people for a lot of things. and i'm feeling downright a burden.

There're a few things that i hate to be in life. Hate to be ostracized, hate to be called names, ESPECIALLY hate to be accused, hate to be a burden to people, etc etc. I'm already a really dependent freak, and this spoilt ankle of mine just made me more so. Orson, Mom, dad, grandma, spending so much time and money on me. Ugh. I don't like it... I don't like that they have to go through extra trouble coz of me, and i don't like that i have not much of a choice but to have them go through that trouble. It bugs and tugs and tears my insides out just to think of it.

I feel guilty. Like a criminal, like a spoilt old brat with a sense of conscience. I'm trying to make it up to people, but somehow i don't know how. Like i'm someone born to accept, not born to give. and it is in this extra guilt that will bear down on every limp of my foot, that i will walk with for these few more days.

Sentence? Guilty or not guilty, it's up to the Jury to decide. Whoever they are.