Monday, February 4, 2008

pathetic... pathetic!!

judgin frm the amounts of hits i have in my hit box, i think this blog is virtually empty... haix wad the heck... i mean seriously... what the heck... at least i have some place for me to rant Rant RANT!! hahax... i think i'm a bit crazy today. i'm always like that when i'm feeling stress.... try to craze the stress out. hv chem and geog tests tmr... dun really giv a damn abt chem, but geog... must study! i think its becoz my interest lies mostly in geog... hahax.i'm soo tired....

oh and some news for u... i've been chosen to represent my sch for some debating competition... cheers u might say... the good thing is that there are alot of cca points but the bad thing is that i shall hv to overcome a whole lot of stage fright b4 going up there.... oh shit... i almost forgot... there's "Heroes" today... damn, better start studying b4 the show starts... in 1/2 hr!! ahhhhh~

walking walking walking like allen walker,
carmen :( stressed!!

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