Wednesday, December 19, 2007

this new blog...

well this blog is actually created to replace my other blog that's supposed to feature my drawings or some what. but i completely ruined the blogskin for that one =P
anyway for this one i'm going to start all over again and you know, hopefully get things right this time. i didn't really care abt the previous one so I'll make sure i'll hv to put extra effort in this one... hehs.

no nd to leave comments, but if u want to there's no stopping you.... once i put in a tag board. I don't really fancy those things, but prefer blogger's method of leaving comments but anyway. I need yr comments to improve. so if u guys out there have anything to say, good or bad, Solely On My Art and not me... hahax.... feel free to rant.... when i put the tag thing up that is. hope u enjoy the skin...


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